All posts by josieidrc666

Photo writing

Photo by Neil Sloman

That was the day the world changed for the group of teenagers. The teenagers went deep into thick impenetrable woods where they hiked for long trying to outmaneuver a old man ghost who was chasing after them. They ran towards the bush with uncertainty of what their future held in await. The sun went behind a dark curtain in the heart of the woods. The path had vanished! Familiarity had gone now! The walked aimlessly within their individual web of tall trees. The ghost wasn’t there anymore, they all panicked as a result of realizing that they are faring worse than what they had expected. Each time that they were in for six minutes, in the dark, their confidence fell, the forest was filled by such a strange feeling of apprehension that could not be avoided even by those who wanted. These fears were further fueled by the noise coming from the wilderness. Clasping each other and making a way for themselves to escape whatever, they sought some plot which could be a means of out. In every time they repeated these stories involving ghosts and strange phenomena happening at their woods, they think of the ghost that has chased them. their believe in it only got stronger. Yet in the blackness of fear, there shone a glimmer of hope. Thence they were each other plus other groups of friends making one group which was their enemy fighting in one flesh. However, they made bold by encouraging themselves as they walked in the darkness. The more steps they made, the more appealing this “mystery” woods became and eventually a place where they could find their way back home.